Solarize Brattleboro and Dummerston


Solarize …
is a grassroots phenomenon to help homeowners and small businesses overcome the financial and logistical barriers to installing solar energy.  Started in Portland, Oregon in 2009, it has since spread to hundreds of towns across America and is responsible for thousands of rooftop and backyard solar arrays.  Solarize involves a competitive tiered pricing structure that increases the savings for everyone as more homes and businesses sign up.
Visit Solarize Dummerston, and Brattleboro solar Summer for program details.
The Core Elements of a Solarize project are:
1.     Endorsement of the project by a municipality or other trusted community-based organization
2.     Community volunteers for each town to organize and publicize the project
3.     Selection of a contractor to install the solar systems
4.     A discounted or ‘tiered’ pricing structure offered by the contractor that lowers each systems’ price when groups of people sign up to participate
5.     Limited time offerIn addition to the above, it can be helpful to have a project organizer and technical advisor operating at a regional level to help individual towns to carry out their Solarize campaigns.

Other Solarize Initiatives in our region include:

  • Vermont: Charlotte, Shelburne, Hinesburg, Williston, Moretown, Thetford/Strafford (2014)
  • Western Mass: Hatfield, Adams, Amherst, Great Barrington, Lee, Williamstown, Montague, Northampton, Whately (Sponsored by the Mass. Clean Energy Center)
  • Connecticut: Portland, Lebanon, Cheshire, Enfield (Sponsored by the Conn. Clean Energy Fund)

While it is helpful to have a Town Energy Committee to undertake the organizing of a Solarize initiative, it can certainly be done without one if a Selectboard, respected community leader or organization steps up to initiate the program.