Solarize Dummerston, Brattlboro, Putney and more

This spring two Solarize programs were launched to help area residents and businesses purchase solar power at a discount.

The Brattleboro Solar Summer, and the Solarize Dummerston program.  Volunteers have been hard at work on both programs to bring you choices, discounts and clean energy.

More info on solarize here…

Federal incentives are set to expire at the end of 2016, so act now because many installers are already booking for the fall and next spring.

  • With the permanent shut down of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant at the end of 2014, Vermont lost 55% of its electricity generating capacity and the source of more than 70% of its net generation in recent years.
  • In 2014, 27% of Vermont’s net electricity generation was produced by renewable energy, including hydroelectric, biomass, wind, and solar resources.
  • Vermont has a voluntary goal of obtaining 25% of electricity consumed in the state from renewable energy resources by 2017; the resources must have begun operating after 2004.
  • Vermont’s Clean Energy Development Fund is promoting winter heating with high-efficiency wood combustion technologies and fuel from sustainable forest ecosystems.
  • All new electricity generating capacity added to Vermont’s grid in 2014 was solar-powered.

By the end of 2015 GMP (our power company) estimates that over 142mW of clean electricity will be installed.