Connecticut River – Hinsdale, NH
Our River Runs Through It: Flotilla & Rally to Stop VT Yankee Pollution
Saturday September 8th on the Connecticut River, Hinsdale NH
Join us by watercraft or along the shore in a creative “Flotilla” action
to protest the thermal & radioactive pollution of the Connecticut River
by Entergy’s Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor.
Where: Main launch area: Prospect Street Boat Launch in Hinsdale, NH:
Land Rally: Fort Hill Rail Trail near the Prospect St. Boat Launch
Area map:
When: Saturday September 8 (rain date Saturday September 15)
- 11:00 am – Noon: Boats arrive and launch
- 12:30 pm Land Rally
- Please launch early enough to join us by 1pm on the river
What :
- A flotilla of watercraft from kayaks to motor boats will launch & fill the Connecticut River, just East of Vermont Yankee.
- Land supporters will gather at two shady rock outcroppings on the Fort Hill Rail Trail, a 10 to 15 minute walk from the boat launch on Prospect St. From these points, supporters will look out over the flotilla, directly across from Vermont Yankee and be able to hear speakers & music. Bring your binoculars, signs and banners!
- There will be speakerson the water
- David Deen, Connecticut River Steward, Connecticut River Watershed Council
- Christian Parenti, acclaimed writer for The Nation
- Deb Katz, Executive Director of Citizens Awareness Network (CAN), a member of SAGE Alliance.
- There will be music from Tom Neilson, Molly Scott, and One Journey
- There will be a symbolic “ice drop”, to cool the river, highlighting the thermal pollution by VT Yankee and it’s effect on the river ecology.
Why: Entergy Corporation’s Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor dumps millions of gallons of heated water, some of it at 105 degrees, into the Connecticut river on a daily basis. Fish like the Atlantic salmon and American shad are very vulnerable to warmed habitats; in Vernon VT, where the reactor discharges, the shad have decreased by 99% since the 1990’s. The effects of this heated plume extend up to 55 miles downriver to Holyoke MA. Entergy could avoid all this by exclusively using their cooling towers instead of the river for cooling the reactor. Join us in telling Energy to cool it.
Launch Details:
- Prospect Street Boat Launch in Hinsdale, NH: 11:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. (or from the Fort Hill Rail Trail just north of the Boat Launch) Note; there is a bridge to go under from this launch point. Canoes, kayaks, rowboats, and small boats will have no problem. Larger boats should launch elsewhere. Area map:
- Brattleboro:
- Brattleboro marina 28 Spring Tree Rd Brattleboro, VT 05301 2 hour paddle to Vermont Yankee
- Vermont Canoe Touring Center 451 Putney Rd, Brattleboro, VT.: 2 hour paddle to Vermont Yankee
- Other locations: Please allow plenty of extra time for launch from these locations:
- Old Ferry Road in Brattleboro, Map link: Also includes Hinsdale, Vernon
- Chesterfield NH, Putney:Map link: Putney is a 5 hour paddle to Vermont Yankee.
Canoe/kayak rental info:
- Vermont Canoe Touring Center 451 Putney Rd, Brattleboro, VT. 2 hour paddle to Vermont Yankee
- Barton s Cove in Gill MA has Kayaks and canoes for $40/day. (413) 863-9300. Can reserve with a credit card.
- Amherst/Northampton area: Eastern Mt. Sports for $35/day & Adventure Outfitters for $30/day and canoes at $35/day.
Water Safety: All participants on the water are required to have proper flotation equipment (vests, cushions). All boats/rafts need to have sufficient flotation equipment for everyone on board their craft. Motorized boats must be cautious — we expect most of the folks will be in canoes and kayaks, and motor boats must be aware of creating wakes and distracting paddlers. No inner tubes, horseplay, weapons, alcohol or dogs (except service dogs) please. Even though this is not a civil disobedience action, all those in the flotilla (on water or land) are expected to follow the SAGE Alliance Nonviolent Code of Conflict.
Shore Supporters: Along the shore on the the Fort Hill Rail Trail (map coming). The trail is flat. There are two large openings to the side of the trial, a 10-15 minute walk from the boat launch. Bring large signs, banners, puppets (Fish, River, No Hot Water, No Radiation symbol, Close VY, ). Food and water will not be available, so bring your own. Binoculars will be a bonus! Cameras and video are always welcome.No weapons, alcohol or dogs (except service dogs) please. Even though this is not a civil disobedience action, all those in the flotilla (on water or land) are expected to follow the SAGE Alliance Nonviolent Code of Conflict.
Post-Flotilla Gathering: The Marina restaurant, just off Putney Road (Route 5), 28 Spring Tree Rd, Brattleboro, VT 05301
Questions: please email
Poster credits: Canoe photo by Will Bennington from Red Clover Climate Justice. This group organized the Northeast Regional Convergence in Burlington VT in July 2012, which highlighted the resistance of the indigenous Innu communities to the mega-dams planned for Northern Quebec. Canoe image edited by Tom Wyatt. Vermont Yankee photo: Lauren Frohne